USI Defensive Pistol

Defensive Pistol

Defensive pistol shoots are held on the first Monday of every month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All skill levels are welcome, this is a great way to develop/practice your skills and meet new friends. Shoots are held in the downstairs indoor range during the winter months and will be held outside when the weather is nice. No MAGNUM Calibers!  

Any questions call Fred Melius at 715-315-9436.


Safety Rules.

1.     ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

a.     The only safe direction on the indoor range is toward the backstop.

2.     ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

3.     ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

Firearms Safety Zone

1.     No ammunition may be brought into the Firearms Safety Zone.

2.       The Firearms Safety Zone is the designated table in the range.

Firearm Handling

1.     Firearms may only be handled in the Firearms Safety Zone and on the firing line under the direction of the Range Safety Officer.

2.     Firearms should be cleared by another person before leaving the Firearm Safety Zone.

3.     Hammer down should only be done with the firearm pointed toward the range backstop and only if there is nobody down range.

a.     If there are people downrange leave the hammer in the up position, once the firearm has been cleared by another person.

Firing Commands

1.     Range is Hot

2.     Shooter – Load and Make Ready

3.     Shooter Ready

4.     Standby

5.     Cease Fire

6.     Unload and Show Clear

7.     Hammer Down, Safety On, Re-holster

Range is Safe

Targets Barricades1 Baracades 2