The USI is a non-profit orgization. In order to
help contain the cost of operations members are asked to assist in any of these areas.
Vendor Tables Setup: John Fuse - 906-282-2816
Admission/Gun Check: Mike Selmo -
Clean-up: John Fuse - 906-282-2816
Grounds Keeping: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Snow Plowing: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Bar: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Kitchen: Dana Constantini - 906-282-0701
Cook/Grill: Bob Servia - 906-774-5336
Security: Dave Beaudoin - 906-282-1015
Janitorial Needs:
If you see something that needs to be taken care of, please take care of it. It is the members club.
Vendor Tables Setup: John Fuse - 906-282-2816
Admission/Gun Check: Mike Selmo -
Clean-up: John Fuse - 906-282-2816
Grounds Keeping: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Snow Plowing: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Bar: Doug Constantini - 906-282-0701
Kitchen: Dana Constantini - 906-282-0701
Cook/Grill: Bob Servia - 906-774-5336
Security: Dave Beaudoin - 906-282-1015
Janitorial Needs:
If you see something that needs to be taken care of, please take care of it. It is the members club.