General Shooting Range Rules


1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

4. Never use alcohol or over-the-counter, prescription or other drugs before or while shooting.

5. All firearms must be handled in a safe manner at all times.

6. All firearms shall be unloaded and carried with the action open while entering or leaving the shooting range.

7. Obey all range officer commands promptly.

8. In the event of a firearm malfunction or hang fire, keep the firearm pointed down range, and count 10 seconds before you clear your firearm.

9. No sighting or pointing of a firearm behind the shooting stations.

10. Upon command of “cease fire” all firearms will be unloaded immediately, actions left open, with muzzle pointed down range.

11. Guns and ammunition are subject to inspection. No armor piercing ammo permitted.

12. Each shooter must pick up his/her own brass or hulls.

13. Shooters are responsible for wearing appropriate hearing and eye protection.

14. Decision of the range officer is final.

Any infraction of the above rules will result in the loss of shooting range privileges. We want to run a safe shooting range at all times. When in doubt, check with the range officer.

Indoor Range Rules

1. Standard Pistol Calibers up to and including .45 caliber. No rifle cartridges are allowed in any firearm.

2. Only .22LR Rifles are allowed to be used.

3. Air Scrubbers and make-up air are to be turned on when the range is in use.

Outdoor Pistol Range Rules

1. Standard Pistol Calibers up to and including .45 caliber. No rifle cartridges are allowed in any firearm.

2. No shooting from behind the yellow safety chain.


Outdoor Rifle Range Rules

1. The Rifle range is closed when the trap range is in use.

2. No cross-range shooting. All firing must be parallel to length of range.

Sporting Clays Range Rules

1. Load the firearm only at the shooting station.

Skeet Range Rules

1. Load the firearm only at the shooting station.

Trap Range Rules

1. The rifle range has to be closed when in use.

2. Load the firearm only at the shooting station.